Articles filed under category 'Career Growth'
If you look around your team and observe how each one of them operates, you may be able to broadly bucket them into three personas. This applies to engineers and...
All successful projects have something in common. They communicate their story well across various channels. One such channel is a slide deck; the most successful ones have these five sections....
Are you a no-name engineer? your work feels repetitive and boring? No promotion yet? and you feel that no one cares about your project? these are good indicators that your...
Leadership is never given, it is only acknowledged after the fact. So, do not wait. Start Leading.
In software, accelerating careers are usually attributed to big fancy projects and greenfield projects, but there is a better and guaranteed way.
I have discussed compensation with numerous engineers over the years as their manager. Here is a playbook that will help you with that conversation.
Interviews are designed to evaluate three key dimensions of a candidate – Ability, Knowledge and Intent.