In defense of leetcode

2 min read

I had previously written about why hiring is messed up, here I am playing devil’s advocate

Standardized test like leetcode for hiring in a creative profession like software engineering sounds like a new low. However if you peel the apparent absurdity and try to see some rationale as to why companies still do it, here are some reasons that come to mind.

These reasons may not sway your opinion of it, but at least you will be aware.

Leetcode creates equity

Regardless of the background of someone’s education, their past career background leetcode provides a standardized way to get hired into some of the best companies in the world.

This is almost impossible in any other field of art. This allows software to be as open as possible to the most diverse set of engineers as possible. I have worked top software engineers who were linquists, physists, bartenders, teachers and so many more.

Identify the entitled

I’ll get some burn for this, but here is the thing, employees want people who can pick up new skills. Learn and keep their ego aside.

At certain levels, candidates mention that doing leetcode rounds of interviews is considered beneath them. This may be true, but it also exposes a personality which may or may not be a good fit for the company at that moment of time.

Weeding out the burnt out

Engineers will have passion for algorithms regardless of the number of years they have worked on them. This is true passion.

After multiple years, people are so burnt out that they are unable to spend a few months preparing these standardized exams. It makes is harder for enginers who are burnt out to get through the system.

My thoughts

I have been working for 12 years in the industry and my ego would not hurt do leetcode for my next interview. However, the bar for having a flaw (missing one test), or getting two DP program within 30 minutes of the interview is what I am personally not comfortable with. This bar misses out on a whole lot of talented and passionate people and the company is missing out.